Microservices, containers and Docker for dummies

Yesterday we gave a presentation on Microservices, Containers and Docker on eBrella’s ‘Microservices - de hype ontrafeld’ event.

Below you can find the slides. Some of the slides contain links to the video shown.

If you missed it and want a short introduction on how Microservices or Docker can help your organization: Drop us a line!

The presentation consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction
    How did it all start? What is a monolith?
    What does Netflix have to do with it and are they the common example?
    What was the result?
  • What?
    Microservices. What are they? Who made them up?
  • Why?
    So what should the benefits be?
  • How?
    Containers. Docker. How do they help?

Furthermore you can do some Bullshit Bingo and it is full of super large numbers.